Ford eec iv tuning software
Ford eec iv tuning software

  • If purchasing a Complete Tuning Pack, the tunes can take 24-48 hours to create and load.
  • The download link will be valid only until the downloads are used. During normal hours i t takes us an hour or so to generate your Use Key, link your template and get the stuff loaded up. If you did not create a customer account, you can use your order number that is emailed to you. Once purchased, a Use Key will be manually generated by us and you will be emailed a specific link by the system for your download(s) to take place. For others, you can use the 5.14F Version.
  • If you are trying to burn only a Moates F3V2 chip, you must use the 5.16F Version.
  • Depending on the make of chip you're trying to write, will determine the Flash&Burn software update you will need to use.
  • You must obtain a 256k Binary or Binary Stacker Layout file to begin tuning.
  • You can download that here in our Free Software section.
  • You must use TunerPro Software to use this.
  • We recommend using only Moates stuff for burning chips with this template. You can buy just the template seperate to use with your existing chip and chip burning combo*.
  • 1996-1997 Ford Thunderbird / Mercury Cougar 4.6L.
  • 1996-1997 Ford Thunderbird / Mercury Cougar 3.8L.
  • 1996-1997 Mustang 4.6L GT with Auto or Manual Trans.
  • 1996-1997 Mustang 3.8L with Auto or Manual Trans.
  • There are no additional License to purchase! You only need 1 License to be able to tune these vehicles below.

    ford eec iv tuning software

    NOTE: This is NOW THE 2nd LARGEST 2-Bank XDF to date! Our CDAN4 TunerPro XDF template gives you complete control of the ECU.

    ford eec iv tuning software

    *** UPDATED - Customers that bought before this date should look for an update in their Portal*** THE PARTS TO MAKE THE SWITCHES ARE UNAVAILABLE AS OF 8-8-2022. PLEASE NOTE: WE CAN ONLY SUPPLY A SINGLE TUNE CHIP AT THIS TIME.

    Ford eec iv tuning software